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For God so loved the world..."The Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell".
Abel lived about 6,000 years ago. He did not leave behind any books. In fact, we do not have a single quotation from his lips. Yet, God gives testimony that he being dead yet speaks.
The Bible mentions seven things that are incorruptible. What are they? How can they help us determine the important things?
At the Feast of Pentecost there was to be offered a new meat offering. The new meat offering was like other meat offerings in most regards. There was, however, to be one major difference. The new meat offering was to be offered with leaven. Leaven, the type of sin, was to be included. Why?
Almost every scholar wants to change the meat offering to something else—although they cannot decide what else. The name is said to be confusing to Bible readers. The meat offering has no animal flesh. In fact, it is the only major offering in which no animals are killed. Why is it called the meat offering? Actually, there are very good reasons for calling it the meat offering.