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God’s special display of power is reserved for special times of need. God rarely shows Himself when He is not sought. His habit is to perform His miracles in the face of the impossible. Sometimes, the situation needs to get to the impossible before He will work in power and great glory.
The whole world is filled with suffering. The Buddhists believe that it is the one constant in human existence and that all religion should be based on finding an escape from the suffering of the world. Yet, Christianity claims the power to find glory even in suffering. We look today at the glory of suffering.
This is one of the great revivals in the Bible. As usual, it is a revival of the word of God. When God’s people return to the word and obey its teachings, they experience great joy and are greatly blessed by the Lord.
Job has gone through great trials without turning against God and cursing Him. However, he does complain of being unjustly persecuted and expects God to give him reasons for his suffering. In this chapter, God actually appears to Job.