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As soldiers we are to endure hardness, but sometimes we can get weary in the battle. This passage has a word for you. Also deals with 2 Timothy 2:12 on the word <em>deny</em>.
We come into contact with people who are lost and on their way to hell every day. Yet, we do nothing to reach them. Why do we not tell them? We do not lead others to Christ because we do not have the heart of the apostle Paul.
What is God's opinion of unity of the brethren? Though there are countless commands in the Bible dealing with separation let us not neglect to have unity with the brethren.
We have heard it taught and preached on many times that Jesus Christ is to be preeminent in our lives, but according to the Bible the preeminence of Christ has nothing to do with you.
The timing of this event is a glorious picture of God’s work in the history of mankind. This lesson occurs after a series of sinful events on the part of the people of God. The people are found complaining and lusting (Numbers 11), Miriam and Aaron get caught up in the murmuring (Numbers 12), the spies deliver an evil report (Numbers 13), they fail to enter the land (Numbers 14), and Korah rebels (Numbers 16).