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Are you going through a period of time where you feel that God has forgotten you? Choose to accept the authority of the scriptures over your feelings and know God has not forsaken you.
We who are saved by the blood know we are on our way to heaven, but we have questions about what heaven will be like. We wonder about our loved ones who have gone to heaven before us. Though we see as but through a glass darkly, God’s word reveals to us several things about the land of heaven.
Seven times in scripture is Jesus Christ called the Word. Many versions will remove at least one of these, but why does God call Jesus Christ the Word?
For God so loved the world..."The Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell".
We know that Christ loved and continues to love us. But do we know how important it is that we love Him? The Bible states in no uncertain terms that if God is our Father, then we will love Christ (John 8:42).
What did the Lord do for our souls when He died for our sins? Probably much more then you are aware of.