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Solomon had it all and lost much of it before his death and even more afterwards. Will you allow your love of the things of the world to draw you away from God as the years go by?
Solomon received great wealth, not by war, but by his wise and understanding heart given to him by God. This wisdom led queen of Sheba (located in Saudi Arabia) and others to give Solomon much riches.
This lesson deals with the death of Moses and the end of his work on the earth. Joshua will lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan. Moses will only get to see the land before he dies.
When all goes wrong and we think God has turned against us, we are wrong. He may be just setting things up for a great time of blessing.
The covenant of Moab deals more with the heart and the motive of love. We will look at one of the major provisions of the covenant and apply it to our lives.