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Though we are saved from the fullness of God’s wrath, we still have experiences in this life that seem as though the Lord Himself has turned on us.
Contentment is a precious gift and one that the scriptures say must be learned. It is not merely satisfaction, but it is a joyous peace that what we have is exactly what we are supposed to have and that nothing else could top it.
consider the One who loved you so much that He gave Himself for you. He deserves your love. Give it to Him and give it to Him undivided.
What are you doing with the times in which God has allowed you to live? The Bible says that David served his generation well, but what would be said of you?
In our day we have reduced lies to bad lies and white lies. We justify reasons for not telling the truth and it is so much a part of us that our conscience doesn’t even bother us any more.