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The first reference to thanksgiving in the Bible is in the description of the thanksgiving offering. This offering is not just an ancient ceremony. It shows us the true value and of a thankful heart. Through it, we learn how God's expects us to practice thankfulness.
Abel lived about 6,000 years ago. He did not leave behind any books. In fact, we do not have a single quotation from his lips. Yet, God gives testimony that he being dead yet speaks.
God must really enjoy gardens, trees and flowers. He planted a garden eastward in Eden and walked there with Adam (Genesis 2:8; Genesis 3:8). The Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry resorted oftentimes to a garden place to pray and near the throne of God we find a river and a tree of life bearing fruit. In John 15, were likened to branches shooting forth from the vine. This vine represents the Lord Jesus. God is the husbandman and He cares for the fruitfulness of the branches. What would He find should He come today?
In order to go to heaven, we need more than a ticket; we must be righteous. How do we get that righteousness?
What is the key to revival? This message declares that the key to revival is a broken and contrite spirit. Read it and see what you think.