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Consider again the progression of the themes of the five books of Moses. Genesis deals with creation; Exodus with redemption; Leviticus with holiness; Numbers with wilderness wanderings; Deuteronomy with obedience to and the love of God. The order is important. Exodus pictures salvation and Leviticus pictures sanctification. What is the purpose of Numbers? It portrays the importance that various trials have in the growth of the believer. No Christian matures until he or she goes through serious trials and remains faithful to the Lord (Romans 5:3-5; 1 Peter 1:6-7). Unfortunately, Numbers is mostly an illustration of what to avoid doing.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
The Israelites are delivered from Egypt but they are not yet delivered from the Egyptians. So it often is with us today. We are delivered from the world but the world follows us into the wilderness. In fact, the wilderness time is a time to cast off the remaining vestiges of the world. And sometimes, as with the Israelites, it is a slow and difficult process. Yet, God is always available to conquer the foe—if we will only trust in Him.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>