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The timing of this event is a glorious picture of God’s work in the history of mankind. This lesson occurs after a series of sinful events on the part of the people of God. The people are found complaining and lusting (Numbers 11), Miriam and Aaron get caught up in the murmuring (Numbers 12), the spies deliver an evil report (Numbers 13), they fail to enter the land (Numbers 14), and Korah rebels (Numbers 16).
One of the most difficult things in dealing with spiritual leaders is knowing how to deal with them when you believe they are wrong. As usual, there are two extremes: you can blindly follow a leader into even sin and heresy (Matthew 23:13-15), or you can rebel against him and bring upon yourself the wrath of God. This lesson gives an example of the second extreme.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Consider again the progression of the themes of the five books of Moses. Genesis deals with creation; Exodus with redemption; Leviticus with holiness; Numbers with wilderness wanderings; Deuteronomy with obedience to and the love of God. The order is important. Exodus pictures salvation and Leviticus pictures sanctification. What is the purpose of Numbers? It portrays the importance that various trials have in the growth of the believer. No Christian matures until he or she goes through serious trials and remains faithful to the Lord (Romans 5:3-5; 1 Peter 1:6-7). Unfortunately, Numbers is mostly an illustration of what to avoid doing.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Leprosy is used in scripture as a type of sin. Leprosy is a disease which a person acquires. Yet, over and over again in the Bible, it is said to be an uncleanness from which one must be cleansed. In our lesson, this cleansing requires the leper to make a trespass offering (Leviticus 14:12) and a sin offering (Leviticus 14:19) in order to make atonement for him who is to be cleansed (Leviticus 14:19). We, too, must be cleansed of the leprosy of our sin by the blood of Jesus Christ.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>