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This chapter deals with the dangerous consequences of pride and the need for humility concerning self and praise and admiration toward the greatness of God. Nebuchadnezzar tells the story as a personal testimony. He tells how the most powerful man in the world (himself) was brought low in a moment by God, and how he was restored to his former position—though as a wiser man than before.
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
People today have no concept of loyalty. We are wishy-washy. Today you love something and tomorrow you will hate it. We make decisions quicker than you can blink and then forsake them just as fast. The bad thing is that this has rolled over into our relationship with God.
What is the key to revival? This message declares that the key to revival is a broken and contrite spirit. Read it and see what you think.
Israel has grievously sinned against God. The people have made a golden calf and worshipped it. The tabernacle, as God’s presence, is removed from their midst. Moses now goes to work as the primary Old Testament mediator to bring God and His people back into a right relationship with one another.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>