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Notes on the Book of Romans. Contains a skeleton outline of the book.
Historically, the word fellow means to lay money; as to lay money down. A fellow was one who financially supported a business deal with someone else; a business partner. Fellowship then is to be united together in covenant for a common purpose.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is His death, burial and resurrection according to the scriptures. This is often viewed as just the starting point for the Christian life. In truth, it is central to our life in Christ after salvation as well.
Proverbs warns of the prating fool. Find out what a prating fool is and why he is so dangerous.
Interpretation of the women that sew pillows to armholes and hunt for the souls of men – soothsayers; fortune tellers, sorcerers. The ones Ezekiel is called to pronounce judgment against are hunting the souls of God’s people and polluting God among His people. This points to a broader application. This message focuses on those who make merchandise of God’s people in order to pollute God among His people.