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This passage tells of the translation of Elijah to heaven, but the real story is about Elisha. He is determined to follow his master to the end and he desires a double portion of Elijah’s blessing. We see that he gets the blessing and begins to perform some of the miracles for which he is known. O, that we might follow hard after God (Psalm 63:8) as Elisha followed hard after the spirit of Elijah!
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
This lesson deals with the death of Moses and the end of his work on the earth. Joshua will lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan. Moses will only get to see the land before he dies.
When all goes wrong and we think God has turned against us, we are wrong. He may be just setting things up for a great time of blessing.
Samson gambles with unscrupulous characters using a riddle. The result is violence and animosity that will follow Samson his entire life.