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Joseph has been exalted to the second place in the entire land of Egypt. Now all that needs to take place in order for the dreams of his youth to be fulfilled is for his brothers to come and bow down to him. God is working this out through the famine that is in the land. He is also preparing for the preservation of the children of Israel through the next 400 years. God’s providence is seen as strongly here as it is in the book of Esther. He is bringing all things together for His good.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob reaches great heights of spiritual maturity in this lesson. He wrestles with the angel of God and prevails. His name is changed form one that means supplanter to one that means prince of God. He faces his greatest fear (Esau) and comes out victorious. He is touched by God and is never the same again.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
INTRODUCTION: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” is the basis of all we are and all we believe. Since we came from God, He is the only source for the truth about ourselves and about the purpose of life. We came from God. In order to have eternal life and a reason for living, we must return to God.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Bibliology - Revelation of God's Word