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Who is Antichrist?
Who is Satan?  Why is he allowed to exist? What do we know about him?
Where in all of the scripture is there expressly described the scenario of Lucifer deceiving other of God's heavenly host and causing them to rebel along with him against God ? I know Jesus said He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I know in Genesis 6 that there were angels who left heaven because they fell in lust with women of earth. Scripture expressly writes of Lucifer and the secret desire of his perverted heart and mind to take Gods' place. And I know that Jude writes of angels not keeping what he calls, " their first estate ". But is there some set of scriptures which actually provide an express narrative of Lucifer deceiving and causing other angels to rebel against God?
I was always taught that Angels could do nothing on their own. They were created to do God's will and had no free will of their own. Then I hear Satan rebelled against God and 1/3 of the Angels followed him. How can this be if they have no free will?
A friend of mine on the KJV Baptist group on Yahoo is working with a Jehovah Witness who is telling him that Jesus and Michael the Archangel are one and the same and that Michael is the only Archangel. He is looking for Biblical refutations of this patently absurd position! As the Lord leads and you have the time would you help us?
Please explain "Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. Revelation 9:14
Are fallen angels the same as demons? Are the fallen angels bound up in chains?
We all know that angels are to minister to us, but can we give them instructions directly or do we give them instruction through the name of Jesus?
I have a question about angels and their ability to sin. First of all since they do not have a sin nature or free will like humans do, how do they fall into the sin traps that we as humans do? Can angels fall into sin now and have to be punished? And lastly, when the new heaven and new earth come about will something change for them so that they, like us, will no longer be able to sin?