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Christ in his humiliation was abased so low, as to be in subjection to the Father.
If a man would come to God, which is happiness, his chief end, the Way if Jesus Christ: “no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Here man is the subject, God or happiness the end, Christ the Way.
Hebrews chapter 10 is in many cases a battlefield for the believers. You choose your side and prepare to battle. Someone gives you your ammunition ahead of time so that you don’t have to think much on your own or consider all of the options. As you are standing on your interpretation someone from the other side fires a shot and puts a hole in your doctrine. What to do now? Do you throw out everything? Probably not….many times it is God himself firing a shot to help you get Bible Doctrine instead of yours.
A Well is a fit receptacle for Water, and it is expected Water should be therein; but if it be empty, it greatly deceives and disappoints them that come to draw Water out of it: so ministers should be stored with much grace and heavenly doctrine. But those who come to a False-Teacher, to receive instruction and comfort for their souls, are grievously deceived.
A Heart of Flesh is a tender thing; every small prick will make it bleed: so every sin, may, the smallest sin will offend, and make a tenderhearted Christian cry out, much more a great sin.