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The book of Proverbs frequently incorporates the tools of comparison and contrast for the purpose of teaching specific truths. In today’s passage, a liberal soul is likened to one who waters. The passage also mentions that being made fat is likened to being watered. In other words, a liberal reaps the benefits of his own liberality. Proverbs chapter 3 also sets forth the principle of sowing and reaping as man is told to “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine” (Proverbs 3:9-10).  When a man with a sincere heart liberally cares for the Lord and His people, the Lord will return his liberality back to him.
Far too many believers live with a skewed perspective concerning God's expectations. They desperately desire to do some “great thing” for the Lord. They ponder on thoughts of what would cause God to take notice of them and gain His favour. Would selling everything and going to the mission field help? Do they need to quit their job and go into full-time Christian service? Do they need to travel in order to spread the gospel far and wide? No doubt this serves as the Lord’s will for some, but one's intent needs to be God-focused and not self-centered. Regardless of one's calling, God has given Christians a great way to give Him a well-pleasing sacrifice. Today's passage mentions the fruit of our lips as a means of giving thanks to God and calls it a sacrifice of praise. Maybe the Lord does have “great things” in store for your life, but offering Him a sacrifice of praise serves as the best place to begin.