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A wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength. While the world focuses on physical strength, the greater strength is that which is spiritual.
Much of a young person’s character or lack thereof is demonstrated in his behaviour toward adults and especially the elderly. In Isaiah chapter 3, the Bible speaks of a time when the judgment of God will be upon His people, and one of the characteristics of the day will be that “the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient.” The prophet Elisha dealt with such children when they came out of the city mocking him saying, “Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head” (2 Kings 2:23). Apparently, Job endured a similar problem as he said, “young children despised me; I arose, and they spake against me” (Job 19:18). Children can be cruel, and in doing so they reveal an evil heart displeasing to the Lord. It is never a good idea to encourage children to be insolent and impolite toward adults.
Job’s home was certainly not a perfect home, but God testified to this man’s faithfulness. The Bible points to prayer as one of Job’s most faithful qualities. Job continually sought the Lord on his children’s behalf with offerings and prayer. One might consider this a simple task if the family loves and serves God together. Yet, Job’s wife is the only indicator we have of Job’s family and she mocked Job’s faithfulness (Job 2:9). Some husbands and fathers are quick to point out the errors of those within their home, but could only be moved to prayerful intercession before the Lord by a tragic event. A man who fails to pray for his God-given family is really no man at all.
Some have misapplied today’s verse to suggest that God is bound to financially give to those who financially give to Him. Some false teachers have used verses like Luke 6:38 to suggest that a man who gives to God will have his gift restored sevenfold. This seems to be the ploy of most televangelists. Giving to God's work is not a magical formula guaranteeing personal enrichment. In fact, a Christian who sacrificially gives to the Lord may lose his job. He may give to the Lord only to incur some major unexpected expense. Yet, the Christian can be sure that he will never give to the Lord without receiving a resultant blessing from God. Far too many times, we seem to blame God for any bad that may follow but fail to recognize the delayed blessings that are sure to follow obedience. The Lord promises that we will never give to Him without Him giving back to us. Rest assured that you cannot and will not ever out give God.