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A wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength. While the world focuses on physical strength, the greater strength is that which is spiritual.
The right kind of sorrow is often needful and brings with it certain benefits. Yet, it is in the joy of the LORD that God's people specifically find strength.
The Lord is the strength of His people. While it is true that we are called to do our part, God must add the necessary strength to accomplish the work.
When David chose to take Bathsheba to himself, he sinned against the Lord. Sometime thereafter, the Lord began to work in David’s heart convincing him of his wrongdoing. David described this painful process as something like having his bones broken (Psalm 51:8). The convicting work of God confirmed David’s “bloodguiltiness” (Psalm 51:14). It assured him that he had sinned against God and needed to repent. This conviction brought great fear to David’s heart (Psalm 51:11). At the same time, this conviction led David to acknowledge his transgressions (Psalm 51:3), seek God’s mercy (Psalm 51:1), and ask God to renew a right spirit within him (Psalm 51:10).
Man’s appetite can serve as a powerful motivator. Yet, there are times when the body is so troubled because of difficulties that it will either forget its desire to eat or lose its desire to eat altogether. The psalmist said that his heart was smitten to the point that he forgot to eat his bread (Psalm 102:4). In Psalm 107:18, the Bible speaks of men who abhor “all manner of meat” and that “draw near unto the gates of death.” Other Bible characters serve as appropriate examples. Hannah was so distraught by Peninnah’s mocking over her barrenness that she refused to eat (1 Samuel 1:7). David refused to eat while pleading with the Lord for the life of his child (2 Samuel 12:16-17). At other times, illness may cause a severe reduction in appetite.