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Sometimes the right decisions are the easiest to see and the most difficult to make. In the case of Korah’s rebellion, many of the people at that time recognized the ease of making the right decision. The person who understood and saw God’s impending judgment knew that the only proper solution was the one offered by the Lord—separate from the tents of the rebels. The proper solution was also quite easy to perform. However, there were many family members of these men involved in the rebellion who had to make a difficult choice. The solution was made known unto them, the details were clear, but their choices were not easy. Why? The right decision involved walking away from a father and family whom they may have loved dearly. According to the psalms, at least some of the sons of Korah chose to do the right thing and separate from their family.
Most men have no trouble creating and recognizing the trouble they have created but often experience great difficulty in finding any necessary solutions. In the wilderness, the children of Israel readily identified problems, but rarely, if ever, offered suitable solutions for these problems. Their expectation was that someone else could provide the solutions so long as they found satisfaction in complaining. Even today, this scenario repeats itself in businesses, churches, and family lives. People can complain about problems and often lack the ambition or the wherewithal for finding any lasting solutions. The average person finds enjoyment in expressing his complaints but leaves the solutions to others. This has greatly troubled the workplace, the home, the church, and every nation.
In Deuteronomy 7:7-8, the Lord expressed His great love for the nation of Israel. In the midst of this declaration, the Lord provided reasons why He placed His love upon this particular nation. In Deuteronomy 1:27, the people began to murmur and their murmurings bred lies. They stated that the Lord brought them out of Egypt to destroy them because of His great hatred for them. Their statements were completely false. This is true in most circumstances when people turn to murmuring. The problem gets exaggerated and the truth corrupted. Fabricating lies helps the one murmuring to feel better about voicing the complaint. Interestingly, the truth is usually not worth murmuring about.
Why do people murmur? What causes them to get so frustrated to the point where they would publicly discuss their disappointment with their circumstances? The Bible provides several reasons. In Jude 16, the Bible says that people complain or murmur because they are “walking after their own lusts.” In John chapter 6, the Lord Jesus indicated another reason why an individual might complain. When the Lord knew that His disciples murmured within themselves, He asked them if they were offended (John 6:61). In other words, people murmur when things turn out differently than they had hoped. It is not so much the trial that bothers them but the offense to their self-will.
Life’s trials and difficulties are intended to draw people into a deeper knowledge of the Lord. However, murmuring hinders the lessons that result from the trials. The Lord uses trials to draw the unsaved to an understanding of their need to trust Jesus Christ as Saviour. At the same time, the Lord uses trials to teach saved people that they need to fully rely on Him and Him alone. These trials are meant to better the individual afflicted. However, the benefits of trials can be minimized when those enduring the trials begin to murmur and complain about the very thing intended to teach them. Murmuring hinders the education offered by trials. It puts the focus on the apparent wrong of the trial rather than upon what lesson the Lord might hope to come from the trial.
The Lord detests murmuring. He hates it so much that He sent fire among the Israelites because of their murmurings (Numbers 11:1). In the New Testament, He warned believers to avoid falling prey to the same sin as the Israelites (1 Corinthians 10:1-14). Additionally, New Testament believers are admonished to do all things without murmurings (Philippians 2:14-16). People murmur as they focus on events within their lives rather than upon the Lord and His word. Yet, the Christian’s life events are ultimately brought to pass, either directly or indirectly, by a loving and caring God. The Lord abhors murmuring because it directly insults His working and provision in our lives.
As we have seen, courage comes from a strength of heart. On the contrary, the Bible likens discouragement (the opposite of courage) to a melted heart (Joshua 2:11). In other words, discouragement takes place when a man’s heart loses strength. The Bible reveals that discouragement comes through various avenues of life. Men become discouraged because of “the way” (i.e., the circumstances of life) (Numbers 21:4). Discouragement also results from fear and unbelief (Deuteronomy 1:28) and the magnitude of a task (1 Chronicles 28:20). Ultimately, discouragement rears its ugly head as a result of a lack of faith in God and His word. Since discouragement and a lack of faith go hand in hand, a discouraged man cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6).
Yesterday’s study focused on the fact that courage involves strength of the heart. Our passage today reveals the first of sixteen times that the Bible uses the phrase “good courage.” Each instance reveals someone trying to encourage a fellow believer and demonstrates the need for a godly courage within the life of every believer. Moses’ words to the twelve spies being sent to search out the land of Canaan (the land promised to Israel by God) encouraged these men to be “of good courage” while stressing the importance of completing the task set before them. Moses knew that it would take “good courage” to fully follow the will of God since most of these men did not seem accustomed to showing courage in the face of overwhelming adversity. Courage must rely upon the power of God and not upon man’s wisdom or one’s own abilities.
Courage originates within the heart of the individual. Two chief witnesses testify to this truth: (1) The English word courage comes from a word plainly connected to the heart, and (2) MultipleBible passages associate courage with the heart (Numbers 32:7, 9; Deuteronomy 1:28; Psalm 27:4; Psalm 31:24). The scripture declares in our passage that the hearts of the people melted as they lost courage (i.e., they lost strength). Other Bible passages associate courage with the strengthening of the heart (Psalm 27:14; Psalm 31:24). These truths illustrate that courage reflects strength of heart and that courage is based upon faith, hope, and trust in God.