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God often allows problems to enter people’s lives in order to facilitate His initial plans. For example, God had already expressed His desire to Abram for him to separate from his kindred. For various reasons, Abram had not obeyed God up until this point. In order to bring about God’s desired will, He allowed conflict to enter between the herdmen of Abram and those of Lot. The solution to this unnecessary conflict was quite simple. Abram suggested that they part ways (God’s initial plan) and Abram turned toward the land of Canaan (God’s initial plan). The Lord used the same tactic in the early church to get them to spread out and to preach His word outside of Jerusalem (see Acts 1:8 and Acts 8:1).
Most men have no trouble creating and recognizing the trouble they have created but often experience great difficulty in finding any necessary solutions. In the wilderness, the children of Israel readily identified problems, but rarely, if ever, offered suitable solutions for these problems. Their expectation was that someone else could provide the solutions so long as they found satisfaction in complaining. Even today, this scenario repeats itself in businesses, churches, and family lives. People can complain about problems and often lack the ambition or the wherewithal for finding any lasting solutions. The average person finds enjoyment in expressing his complaints but leaves the solutions to others. This has greatly troubled the workplace, the home, the church, and every nation.
Man can, at times, readily recognize problems that arise, but often initially reacts with solutions to remove the problem out of sight. As the disciples looked out over the multitude in today’s passage, they saw thousands in a desert place with a lack of provisions. They quickly viewed what seemed to them as an insurmountable problem. As evening approached, they came to the Lord and suggested that He send the people away. The disciples were more comfortable with the problem if it was out of sight, out of mind, and not theirs to face. Their suggestion was an unacceptable solution. For this reason, the Lord put the problem back upon the disciples when He said to them, “Give ye them to eat” (Mark 6:37). In other words, the problem would not go away or solve itself. The Lord directed the disciples to find a solution and their turning a blind eye was completely unacceptable.
Problems are a reality of life. The Lord cautioned concerning this truth when He said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation” (John 16:33). Simon Peter echoed this sentiment when he said, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” (1 Peter 4:12). Problems, trials, and tribulations occur because of sin’s presence, and so long as sin remains within this world, men will face difficulties. Though the nature of these problems varies, the foundational solutions are the same: problems must be faced, and spiritual, scriptural solutions must be sought. Failure to do so only increases the presence and impact of the problems.
It is easy to tell others what to do and how to do it, but very unwise to fail to follow one’s own instructions and teachings. In fact, man naturally seems to want to place greater burdens upon others than he himself is willing to bear. This was one of the primary issues addressed by those attending the council of Acts chapter 15 in Jerusalem. Peter concluded with the other apostles in agreement that it was not right to ask others to bear a yoke that previous generations were unable to bear (Acts 15:10). This does not mean that believers change their teaching to fit their obedience. Rather, believers ought to obey the truth and teach these truths to others. How many preachers and teachers have spoken about subject matters only to refuse to obey the very truths they have taught to others?
Those with their ear toward the world have many accessible teachers. Unfortunately, far too frequently, that which is being taught contradicts the plain teaching of scripture. In order to combat the propagation of false teaching, the Lord calls upon His people to teach the truth. God placed men within the New Testament church to spread the truth through teaching and preaching (Acts 13:1). He placed older men and women in the church in order to teach the younger men and women (Titus 2:1-8). He placed godly moms and dads in the home to teach the children. Every believer should have a desire to come to a point where he or she can teach others. According to the scriptures, this is the will of God (Hebrews 5:12).