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The book of Proverbs offers many profound truths and sometimes conveys these truths through the implementation of comparisons and contrasts. Today’s proverb is a case in point. The Lord uses this structure to assist man’s venturing from the familiar to that which is unfamiliar. Those concepts recognizable to mankind can be used to help convey and explain deeper truths known only to the Lord. For instance, man easily understands what is meant by saying that a stone is heavy and sand is weighty, but the Lord wants man to comprehend the heaviness of a fool’s wrath. Man knows that wrath is cruel and anger is outrageous, but God wants man to realize that envy is crueler and more outrageous than both wrath and anger. During times of anger and wrath, merciful moments might be displayed; however, envy relentlessly pursues its victim without mercy.
Physically speaking, the life of the flesh involves a sound heart (Proverbs 14:30) and blood (Leviticus 17:11). Without these, a man will not long survive. In like manner, much emphasis is also placed upon the importance of sound bone structure. A man who has problems with his bone density and strength finds his quality of life greatly hindered. According to the Bible, we can draw a parallel between bone strength and spirituality. The Bible says that envy is the rottenness of the bones. As bone strength declines, the individual becomes prone to falls and injury. In like manner, as a person allows envy to take root within his heart, he becomes unstable and prone to falling and personal injury. Those who refuse to repent of envy will ultimately lead themselves into an untimely spiritual death.
Envy is a heart problem that if caught early should never outwardly manifest itself to others. However, failure to recognize the existence of envy in one’s life and repent swiftly will yield to much greater future problems. Solomon’s first admonition to his son was that he not envy the oppressor. This warning was followed by a second admonition against choosing the oppressor’s ways. If a man envies the wicked, he will eventually be convinced to travel the direction that he once only envied. Long before an individual outwardly turns from righteousness to worldliness, he does so within his unrestrained thoughts. Failure to repent of these thoughts eventually yields to the unholy actions once deemed unacceptable.
Life is full of polar opposites that cannot simultaneously reside within the believer’s heart and life (i.e., truth and lies, love and hate, holiness and sin). Some of these conflicts are familiar and easily identifiable. Yet, the Bible indicates that a similar conflict exists in an individual’s life concerning envy and the fear of the Lord. When a man reflects upon the life of the wicked with envy, he ceases to walk in the fear of the Lord. Why? A man who fears the Lord considers the coming judgment directed toward those who know not God. Every person will stand before the Lord and those who fear the Lord and know the end of the story do not desire to have the lot of the wicked pertaining to this judgment. Every man must choose.  Does he choose to walk in the fear of the Lord or does he envy the wicked because his eyes veered away from the Lord?
Although jealously is one of God’s attributes, envy is not. Rather, envy is a product of a sinful nature found only in mankind. It is important to note that long before envy manifests itself outwardly, it first devises its plan within the heart (Mark 7:21-23). Unfortunately, this characteristic is not limited exclusively to the wicked but also frustrates the righteous. This reveals why Solomon warned his son to guard his heart against the dangers of envy. According to Job, envy slays (Job 5:2), and it often slays the instigator with the victim. Every believer must battle daily to avoid allowing envy to overtake his heart and defile him.
Following the victory of a battle, the victors generally divide the spoil. The soldiers triumphantly go through the enemy camp removing anything they desire. The act of dividing the spoil indicates a time of victory and intense celebration as a result of winning the battle. Yet, the Bible reveals that there is something far better than dividing the spoil with the proud: being “of an humble spirit with the lowly.” This can only pertain to those looking at life from a godly perspective. Man would naturally rather celebrate a victory with the proud than to be humbled through defeat. The context of the passage quite possibly could indicate that the lowly refers to those who have suffered the defeat; therefore, it is better to be humbled by defeat than to be proud in victory.
It seems that far too many men seek to be honoured by others whether deserved or completely unwarranted. However, few men understand the proper biblical path for being rightfully honoured. One would naturally think honour comes to those who are confident and proud, but the Bible reveals the opposite. Proverbs 15:33 and Proverbs 18:12 both declare that humility precedes honour. This means that a person desiring to receive honour must first possess the character trait of true humility. Conversely, the Bible points out that a haughty heart precedes the pathway to destruction (Proverbs 18:12). Moreover, the Bible couples humility with the fear of the Lord and shows that it yields riches, honour, and life (Proverbs 22:4). Desiring these good things is only reasonable, yet they are only derived through God’s prescribed means and not man’s self-styled means.
Our previous studies have discussed the Bible's built-in dictionary. Interestingly, the discovery of this method of defining words is not new. In fact, men like King James VI (also known as King James I) commented on God's graciousness concerning His word. He pointed out that the definitions of many Bible words could be found by considering surrounding words. John Eadie explains this in his book:  The English Bible, vol. 2, London, Macmillan, 1876, p. 191. Our study in humility is a case in point. The true riches of this word can only be gleaned when one considers some of the words used in close proximity of the word humble (along with its variations). These words include: croucheth (Psalm 10:10), lowly (Proverbs 16:19), boweth down (Isaiah 2:9), bowed down (Isaiah 2:11), brought down (Isaiah 5:15), hewn down (Isaiah 10:33), and abased (Luke 14:11; Luke 18:14). God wants the Bible student to understand the depths and riches of His word and words. In this case, He clearly indicated that humility results from one being brought low.