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A normal man naturally desires to protect what God has given to him. Jacob was not always the best example of godliness, but he had the right desire to protect his family from harm. The Bible reveals to us how he reacted when he could see his brother Esau approaching. Unsure of how this reunion might disintegrate into harm, Jacob divided his family with the most precious at the rear. As his family’s protector, Jacob led the caravan. If there was going to be trouble, he would have an opportunity to intervene offering his family an opportunity to flee for safety. According to Ephesians 5:25, a man’s protection should include a willingness to lay down his life for his wife. A godly man will always intercede between his home and the impending danger.
The Bible explicitly emphasizes the spiritual responsibility of providing for one’s family. Sometimes believers wrongfully distinguish between the ministry work and any so-called secular work, but both are accomplished scripturally and prayerfully to please the Lord. 1 Timothy 5:8, in the direct context, deals with the responsibilities of providing for a household member who is a widow; yet, the emphasis upon “those of his own house” broadens the scope. A man who fails or refuses to provide for the needs of his family has “denied the faith” and said to be “worse than an infidel.” That is certainly a stiff and stern rebuke. It remains the man’s responsibility to provide for his family regardless of how far societal norms move away from God’s precepts. This does not mean that the woman cannot assist in the provision (Proverbs 31:13-16) but that the responsibility still belongs to the man.
Job’s home was certainly not a perfect home, but God testified to this man’s faithfulness. The Bible points to prayer as one of Job’s most faithful qualities. Job continually sought the Lord on his children’s behalf with offerings and prayer. One might consider this a simple task if the family loves and serves God together. Yet, Job’s wife is the only indicator we have of Job’s family and she mocked Job’s faithfulness (Job 2:9). Some husbands and fathers are quick to point out the errors of those within their home, but could only be moved to prayerful intercession before the Lord by a tragic event. A man who fails to pray for his God-given family is really no man at all.
As the head of the home, the man bares the responsibility for the biblical training of every individual within his home. Yet, many homes today have no man in them. Regardless of society’s disintegration, there is never a time when the man ever relinquishes his accountability to God as the spiritual leader of his home. In today’s passage, we read of Abraham bearing his personal responsibility. According to God’s testimony, Abraham bore that responsibility well. The Lord testified that Abraham would command his children and household after him. Abraham’s family would keep the way of the LORD and would do justice and judgment. Unfortunately, the same cannot be expressed for far too many modern Christian homes. In fact, church pews are overflowing with faithful women while their men are absentee husbands expressing little to no interest in the things of God.
As the world seeks to further weaken any distinctions between men and women, it becomes even more important to stand firm upon God’s principles. God has a defined order in the home and the worldly attitudes do not alter God’s precepts. Someone has to be the leader of each home and bear the responsibility. According to 1 Corinthians 11:3, the proper order is a woman submitted to a man, who is submitted to Christ, who is submitted to the heavenly Father. Christ’s submission to the Father in no way suggested inferiority to the Father, nor does a submissive wife indicate any type of inferiority to her husband. In fact, it takes a stronger woman to follow God’s plan of submission. A godly home follows the scripture even when it contradicts the generally accepted teachings of the day.
The apostle Paul, through the leading of the Holy Ghost, made his way through Paphos preaching God's word. While in that country, Paul faced great resistance especially from the likes of a false prophet named Bar-jesus. Yet, in the midst of this chaos, the Bible mentions a prudent man named Sergius Paulus, the deputy of the country. He desired to hear the message preached by God's man. Sergius Paulus wanted to hear the truth because a prudent man desires to hear it no matter the opposition and the attempts to silence the words of God. Unfortunately, there seem to be many more people like the false prophet today. They want little or nothing to do with the word of God. Yet, a prudent man, whether he agrees or disagrees with what he hears, will desire to hear the words of God. He then ponders those words as he makes his decisions concerning his daily life and eternal destination.
Isaiah chapter 52 illustrates a well-beloved prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and His crucifixion. Verse 14 testifies to the seriousness of His crucifixion as it points out that Christ's “visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men.” These truths point to His physical sufferings, but in no way detract from the spiritual sufferings Christ suffered on the cross. The fact that He took our sins upon Himself remains beyond our comprehension. This same truth applies to the physical sufferings that were more than any man could withstand. With the crucifixion as its context, Isaiah chapter 52 declares that Christ would deal with prudence. The book of Hebrews reinforces this truth as it points out that He “for the joy that was set before him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). The Lord's every action was performed with prudence. We, as the Lord's servants, ought to follow the example He set for us.
An inheritance can come in many forms from those who have departed this life. It may include homes, cars, furnishings, and even one's entire life savings. These treasures can help and bless those in need. However, no material blessings can surpass the spiritual blessings that come directly from the Lord. Material inheritances usually come from parents or other relatives, but the Bible points to an inheritance that only comes from the Lord: a prudent wife. We may consider prudence as an irreplaceable trait for a man, but this blessing holds true for a woman also. A prudent wife is of great worth and a wonderful gift from God. The Bible confirms that a man blessed with a prudent wife and children blessed with a prudent mother should thank the Lord.
This passage provides a list of grievous sins in the eyes of the Lord. It speaks of those who call evil good, and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). It speaks of the wickedness of those who justify the wicked for reward (Isaiah 5:23), and pronounces a woe upon those who mingle and drink strong drink (Isaiah 5:22). By all appearances, this is a list of wicked and vile sins. Yet, it is in the midst of this list that we find a woe declared against “them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight” (Isaiah 5:21). As with everything in this world, there is a true prudence and there is a counterfeit. The Bible warns us to make sure our prudence is not just in our “own sight,” but is true in a scriptural sense.
The context of our passage speaks of judgment against Jerusalem and Judah. In this judgment the Lord vowed to remove much of the strength of the land. He promised to remove the mighty man and the man of war, the judge and the prophet, the honourable man and the counseller. The removal of these people would certainly weaken any city, town, or nation. Yet, it is in the midst of this list that the Lord included the prudent. Apparently, the prudent are the strength of any people just as much as their great warriors and judges. When all things are considered, this makes perfect sense. Those who are prudent make decisions that stabilize any people and provide future stability as well.