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The Actions of Carnal Men (1 Corinthians 3:3-4)

Introductory Thoughts

Carnality becomes increasingly difficult to hide. Eventually, it clearly manifests itself in our daily actions. The carnality of the Corinthian believers showed itself in their relationship amongst their body of believers. They began to envy one another, eventually leading to strife and divisions amongst the group. When Paul learned of their failings, he knew carnality was at the root of the problem. Another action openly revealing the carnality of the people was their relentless desire to associate themselves with particular Bible teachers. They assumed an association with someone as well respected as Paul or Apollos would give them a spiritual boost among other believers. Considering their actions, Paul knew these believers were “yet carnal.”

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): As the firstborn son of Isaac, God gave Esau certain rights and privileges. He was to become the spiritual leader and head of the family. One day he grew very hungry and sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for one morsel of meat (Hebrews 12:16). His carnality caused him to despise his birthright (Genesis 25:34).
  • (For everyone):  Is your life filled with envy, strife, and divisions? Are you always looking for someone to follow in order to gain a perceived spiritual advantage? If so, this indicates a level of carnality.
  • What are some actions that you think might indicate carnality? Do you exemplify any of those traits? Are you willing to repent of your carnality and seek the Lords help?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask the Lord to deliver you from the sins of carnality.
  • Ask Him to bring it to your attention when you bear the marks of carnality.


Let Those Who Think They Stand, Beware