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We begin to be comfortable with our salvation and begin to think it is our due. But we were due nothing. We all deserve the lake of fire. Yet, we have a God who specializes in saving the seemingly unsaveable.
What should believers do when they get in a time of their life when the victories are seemingly history and the present yields promise of defeat?
Asa, king of Judah, had a long reign of forty-one years. During this time, the northern kingdom of Israel had several kings. This chapter tells the story of those kings.
In this chapter, Saul illustrates the sin of willful rebellion and God’s reaction to this sin. Saul’s rebellion leads to God’s rejection of him as king of Israel.
This passage tells of the translation of Elijah to heaven, but the real story is about Elisha. He is determined to follow his master to the end and he desires a double portion of Elijah’s blessing. We see that he gets the blessing and begins to perform some of the miracles for which he is known.