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If you are saved you belong to Jesus Christ and you need not surrender to your Gentile nature.
Are you frustrated because you are seeing no results? Are you growing weary trying to force things to happen? Are you dissatisfied being a planter or a waterer?
If revival is a work of man then we are right to believe it will not happen, but if revival is the work of God in a man’s heart, then we must believe as long as the Lord tarries His coming that revival is possible.
What do the scriptures say about cremation or burial?
One revival or restoration is never enough for the people of God. God’s people follow the natural lines of spiritual degeneration. They will naturally slide backwards toward the ways of the world. They require periodic revivals in order to remain close to the Lord. When the revivals cease, the people will fall further and further away from the Lord.
A covenant is a solemn agreement. The most important covenants in the Bible are those in which God makes a covenant with man: the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, etc. Here is a covenant which man makes with God. The Israelites recognize the importance of God and covenant together to wholly follow Him.
Many years ago, Bible students began to see a connection between the conflict in the book of Esther and the conflict inside each man and woman (Galatians 5:17). The entire book makes for a powerful allegory that demonstrates how we can have victory over the flesh and live in the power of the Spirit.
The children of Israel were to keep themselves separated from the other nations but, by intermarrying with the different nations around them, they had compromised and taken on their abominations. The answer for them, though it might seem harsh, was to separate from their heathen marriages.
The message of Haggai, chapter two, is a message of coming glory (see Haggai 2:3, 7, 9; compare 1:8). The importance of the message is shown in the time in which it was given.
Most of this chapter gives a list of the ills experienced by Job. After considering the afflictions laid on him in the first two chapters of the book, this does not seem to be any exaggeration. The amazing part of this chapter is found in verses 25-27 where Job bursts out in an outstanding proclamation of faith in the middle of his list of trials and afflictions. He suffered. But he never lost faith. What an example to us!