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The salutations given by one saint to another are to be given through prayer having both the word of God and the will of God in mind.
Paul’s salutation was so important to him that although he did not personally pen most of his epistles, he personally penned his salutation.
The first part of Isaiah chapter 32 speaks of a future time when the Lord will right wrongs that exist in societies. Isaiah points out that the Lord will reign in righteousness (Isaiah 32:1) and mankind will no longer be blinded by sin (Isaiah 32:3-4). Though many wrongs will be made right, the Lord specifically mentions that the vile will no longer be called liberal (Isaiah 32:5). How did the Lord know in Isaiah’s day that the label liberal would be inappropriately used to address the vile? Perhaps this was already taking place or the Lord was merely demonstrating His infinite knowledge and prophetic aptitude. Liberals are not Bible corrupters, nor are they politicians holding nonconservative points of view. Quite simply, a liberal is a person who gives generously.
In Bible times, cities would often build towers to watch the gates to avoid dangers looming from without (Isaiah 21:8). Watchmen would take turns watching the gate. These watchmen were responsible for sounding a trumpet should any danger appear (Ezekiel 33:6). The apostle Paul in his writings applied a spiritual application to this literal act of being a watchman. Just as cities needed men willingly staying awake and alert while others slept or were busy in their daily routines, churches need believers sober and watchful while others might be cumbered about with the cares of this world. Today’s watchmen must use their voices like a trumpet to sound the alarm when danger nears.
Dedicated soldiers are a dying breed, especially amongst Christians. Few people endure when the going gets tough or obstacles surface. The average Christian believes that God’s will involves no hurdles. In the secular world, drill sergeants, employers, and teachers spend a great deal of time and effort trying to instill discipline into those who grew up lacking character with little desire to succeed. This lack of character affects us all. Good soldiers endure hardness. They do not quit in the service of the Lord because of trials and tribulations. Neither do they allow themselves to be entangled in the affairs of this life. Their main desire is to please the very one who chose them to be a soldier in the first place.
God designed and willed for the Christian home and the local body of believers to function as two of the closest experiences to heaven on this side of eternity. As believers, we ought to love one another (John 13:34-35) and serve one another by that love (Galatians 5:13). Rather than backbiting and devouring each other (Galatians 5:15), believers ought to give themselves to ministering to each other. In Paul’s epistle to the Corinthian believers, God led Paul to mention a family addicted to the ministry. At some point, this family decided to sacrifice their own gain for the sake of ministering to others. Because of this commitment, the Bible says that Stephanas refreshed the spirit of other believers.
Every person cannot give the same amount, but every person can give. According to our passage, “Every man shall give as he is able.” Because some people might use this as an excuse not to give, the Lord further states that giving should be “according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.” The New Testament repeats this same principle in 1 Corinthians 16:2. Every man is to give “as God hath prospered him.” The book of Acts gives a practical example. In Acts 11:29, the disciples sent relief to their brethren and every man did so “according to his ability.” Each believer should give to the Lord corresponding to how the Lord has prospered him.
One important aspect of submission to the Lord involves submitting to one another. Grasping this important truth would solve many of the problems in the world, home, and church. The Bible tells us that the younger are supposed to submit to the elder (1 Peter 5:5). Husbands and wives are to submit to each other (Ephesians 5:21-22; Colossians 3:18). Christians are to submit to those who labour in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 16:16), and those who rule over them (Hebrews 13:17). Instead of fighting for authoritative positions, we should first seek opportunities to submit ourselves to others for the glory of God. A pride-filled heart remains the biggest stumblingblock in the way of full submission.