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People today have no concept of loyalty. We are wishy-washy. Today you love something and tomorrow you will hate it. We make decisions quicker than you can blink and then forsake them just as fast. The bad thing is that this has rolled over into our relationship with God.
Learn basic rules of Bible interpretation.
Learn basic rules of Bible interpretation.
Leprosy is used in scripture as a type of sin. Leprosy is a disease which a person acquires. Yet, over and over again in the Bible, it is said to be an uncleanness from which one must be cleansed. In our lesson, this cleansing requires the leper to make a trespass offering (Leviticus 14:12) and a sin offering (Leviticus 14:19) in order to make atonement for him who is to be cleansed (Leviticus 14:19). We, too, must be cleansed of the leprosy of our sin by the blood of Jesus Christ.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
This lesson records the call of Moses to deliver the children of Israel. God often skips many generations of earthly rulers and kingdoms with a verse or a word. However, He takes two entire chapters to tell us of His encounter with Moses at the burning bush. In this lesson, God emphasizes His power as opposed to the ability of man. The bush burns supernaturally. But the power is not in the bush, it is in the God who caused the bush to burn. When God puts His touch on something, any old bush will do. Moses has to learn this lesson about himself. Forty years earlier, he had learned that he could not deliver Israel. Now, he has to learn that God can use him anyway.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>