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Bible Concordance: "presence"

Word "presence" found in 102 verse(s), 46 chapter(s) and 33 book(s).

What the Bible says about "presence":

Genesis 3:8
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
Genesis 4:16
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
Genesis 16:12
And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Genesis 23:11
Nay, my lord, hear me: the field give I thee, and the cave that is therein, I give it thee; in the presence of the sons of my people give I it thee: bury thy dead.
Genesis 23:18
Unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city.
Genesis 25:18
And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren.
Genesis 27:30
And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother came in from his hunting.
Genesis 41:46
And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 45:3
And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence.
Genesis 47:15
And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.
Exodus 10:11
Not so: go now ye that are men, and serve the LORD; for that ye did desire. And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence.
Exodus 33:14
And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
Exodus 33:15
And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.
Exodus 35:20
And all the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the presence of Moses.
Leviticus 22:3
Say unto them, Whosoever he be of all your seed among your generations, that goeth unto the holy things, which the children of Israel hallow unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall be cut off from my presence: I am the LORD.
Numbers 20:6
And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto them.
Deuteronomy 25:9
Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother's house.
Joshua 4:11
And it came to pass, when all the people were clean passed over, that the ark of the LORD passed over, and the priests, in the presence of the people.
Joshua 8:32
And he wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the children of Israel.
1st Samuel 18:11
And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice.
1st Samuel 19:7
And Jonathan called David, and Jonathan shewed him all those things. And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as in times past.
1st Samuel 19:10
And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin: but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night.
1st Samuel 21:15
Have I need of mad men, that ye have brought this fellow to play the mad man in my presence? shall this fellow come into my house?
2nd Samuel 16:19
And again, whom should I serve? should I not serve in the presence of his son? as I have served in thy father's presence, so will I be in thy presence.
2nd Samuel 24:4
Notwithstanding the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:12

Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
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