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The Devil

Results for The Devil

Pet or Murderer?

According to a 17 December 2006 article in The Associated Press, a 48-year-old man in Cincinnati, Ohio was killed by his 13-foot boa constrictor in his own home. Apparently, he was found in the reptile's cage with the murderous creature wrapped around his neck. What a tragic story! His pet turned on him and killed him!

Type: Blog Entry

Pleading the Blood

Can the blood of Jesus be rebuked by the Devil?

Type: Question and Answer

An Evil Spirit From the Lord

What does it mean when the Bible says that an evil spirit was sent by God to torment Saul (reference 1 Samuel 16:14-15)?

Type: Question and Answer


Who is Satan? Why is he allowed to exist? What do we know about him?

Type: Question and Answer

Satan vs. Lucifer

Is Lucifer and Satan the same? The Bible says Satan is from the beginning a liar, from the day of his creation, but Lucifer is not like that, he was a holy cherub till the day he was found guilty.

Type: Question and Answer

Satan's Access to Heaven

If God does not allow sin to enter into Heaven then why is Satan allowed access to accuse the brethren?

Type: Question and Answer

Satan's Fall

I understand at one time Satan was an angel in Heaven, the most beautiful. I have often wondered where his sin derived from to want to "take over". As I understand it, he was the one to start "tempting" to cause Eve to sin, but what caused his sin to become what it led to?

Type: Question and Answer

Satan's Rebellion and Fall

What facts do we know about the fall of Satan? Did he cause other angels to rebel with him? Were the angels deceived or did they know what they were doing?

Type: Question and Answer

The Woman of Revelation Twelve

Can you explain the woman being hid in Revelation 12 and Israel's part in the tribulation?

Type: Question and Answer

To and Fro

How fast is to and fro? Is it instantaneous or is it hours long when the devil went to and fro upon the earth in Job chapter one? Was it in seconds or did it take all day?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:12

Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
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