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The Results of Salvation

Results for The Results of Salvation

What Does God Desire?

Recently, our pastor was reading Psalm 51 out loud to a group of men. He was reading it without comment and using it as an introduction to a prayer meeting. When he got to verse 6, something jumped out at me, so to speak, that I had not seen before. David said to the Lord, "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts;" If the Lord desires truth in the inward parts of man what is He looking for?

Type: Blog Entry

Young Fundamentalists and Old Fundamentalists and Separation

In a great essay on the current path of fundamentalists, the editor of Straightway magazine, Dr. H.T. Spence, makes this greatly enlightening statement : "Though Fundamentalism has endeavored to be strong historically in ecclesiastical separation, one of its great weaknesses from its beginning has been its lack of personal separation." This can be found in the June-July 2005 issue of the magazine in an article entitled "Ask for the Old Paths."

Type: Blog Entry

Pleading the Blood

Can the blood of Jesus be rebuked by the Devil?

Type: Question and Answer

Devil Possession and Christians

Can a Christian be possessed by devils, even though he has the Holy Spirit inside of him?

Type: Question and Answer

Visions of Warning (Daily Portion 10224)

In this chapter, God gives Zechariah two visions of warning. First, he sees a flying roll, which is identified as the curse. This pictures the law of God and the curse on those who disobey it. Second, he sees a woman sitting in a basket called an ephah (after the size of the basket). This vision is called wickedness and portrays false religion.

Type: Devotional

The Lord Will Abundantly Pardon (Daily Portion 10223)

God has filled this short chapter with vivid pictures of redemption and wonderful verses of encouragement. Perhaps the theme of this chapter is that the Lord

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:27

Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.
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