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Results for Youth/Teens

Modest Apparel (1 Timothy 2:9)

The following is an excerpt from Soldiers in Training by Brother Daryl Coats.

Type: Blog Entry

A Look at C. S. Lewis

The August/September, 2006, Newsletter of the Southern View Chapel surveys the doctrinal stands of C. S. Lewis (1899-1963). The popularity of both the fictional and non-fictional works of Lewis is at an unprecedented high. His "Chronicles of Narnia" were just made into a popular film and his is almost everywhere acclaimed. Perhaps it would be good to know the theological views of this man.

Type: Blog Entry

Losing our Teens

Both polls and anecdotal evidence point to the same result: Bible-believing churches are losing their teenagers to the world. Teenagers who grow up in churches are leaving church and going to the world as soon as they get a chance. One statistic states that only 4% of the teens in evangelical churches stay in church. If that is anywhere close, that is an astounding figure. Churches have drawn the teens with entertainment and fun, but this will not keep them. Probably, the greatest contributing factor is the home. If the home is not solidly Christian--to the point of serious separation from the world--then the teens will learn their values from the world. We must work harder to exhort parents to be godly parents and then teach them how to do it.

Type: Blog Entry

Skull Fashion

Today's "Knoxville News-Sentinel" has an article on how skulls have become a big fashion statement. What used to be reserved for the underground and Goth kids has become mainstream. Skulls are everywhere. The fashion designers use them because of their connection with poison, danger, pirates, and death. Although most popular with the young, they can give an edge to older fashionistas who want to look tough. Isaiah 65:4 tells us of those "Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels." The Maniac of Gadara who was delivered by Jesus Christ also had "his dwelling among the tombs" (Mark 5:3). We have a generation that is given to death. They dwell among the tombs and need to be delivered from the evil one.

Type: Blog Entry

Buddha's Okay

In Bridgeport, West Virginia, the High School recently settled a case that had been brought against it by the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State and the ACLU. The school agreed to take down a portrait called the "Head of Christ" that had been on the wall outside the principal's office for 37 years. In the same school, one classroom had a portrait of Buddha and another had a two-foot statue of Buddha. These were not opposed and will be allowed to remain. One reason the school officials decided to surrender their rights out of court was the fact that, if they had lost, they would have had to pay the legal costs of both sides. This is established by federal law and it is one of the reasons so many schools quickly give in when they are sued. A bill to change this law passed the House in September. However, it seems unlikely that the Senate will be passing the bill anytime in the near future.

Type: Blog Entry

Pet or Murderer?

According to a 17 December 2006 article in The Associated Press, a 48-year-old man in Cincinnati, Ohio was killed by his 13-foot boa constrictor in his own home. Apparently, he was found in the reptile's cage with the murderous creature wrapped around his neck. What a tragic story! His pet turned on him and killed him!

Type: Blog Entry

What About Christian Romance Novels?

Recently we were mailed an advertisement for Christian romance novels. Included in the information were testimonials from women praising these works of fiction for blessing them and giving them hope. Also included was a survey in which, using a multiple choice format, women could mark their preferences as to their perfect home (i.e. house), automobile, and vacation destination. Of course all choices were very expensive. They could even choose the type of man they would prefer to go on a date with, presumably for guidance in later works of romantic fiction.

Type: Blog Entry

Bible Arithmetic

Mathematics can be quite complex, yet one of the most basic divisions of mathematics is called arithmetic. You may better grasp what I am talking about when I say that the most basic operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A grasp of these basic operations is a necessity for anyone who desires to grasp any of the more complex divisions of mathematics. Interestingly enough, the same things hold true for the Christian life. It can be quite complex, but at the same time we could break it down to the simplicity of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Type: Blog Entry

The Depths of Sin (Daily Portion 10225)

This passage describes the depths to which sin will take man if he refuses to repent and return to the Lord. We see here the progressive nature of man’s rebellion and the steps God takes in turning from man. This passage stands as a warning to all of us about the danger of straying away from God.

Type: Devotional

Visions of Warning (Daily Portion 10224)

In this chapter, God gives Zechariah two visions of warning. First, he sees a flying roll, which is identified as the curse. This pictures the law of God and the curse on those who disobey it. Second, he sees a woman sitting in a basket called an ephah (after the size of the basket). This vision is called wickedness and portrays false religion.

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:20

Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.