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Bible Concordance: "other"

Word "other" found in 413 verse(s), 49 chapter(s) and 43 book(s).

What the Bible says about "other":

Exodus 25:19
And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.
Exodus 25:32
And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side:
Exodus 25:33
Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick.
Exodus 26:3
The five curtains shall be coupled together one to another; and other five curtains shall be coupled one to another.
Exodus 26:13
And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent, it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.
Exodus 26:27
And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle, for the two sides westward.
Exodus 27:15
And on the other side shall be hangings fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
Exodus 28:10
Six of their names on one stone, and the other six names of the rest on the other stone, according to their birth.
Exodus 28:25
And the other two ends of the two wreathen chains thou shalt fasten in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it.
Exodus 28:27
And two other rings of gold thou shalt make, and shalt put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart thereof, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.
Exodus 29:19
And thou shalt take the other ram; and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the head of the ram.
Exodus 29:39
The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning; and the other lamb thou shalt offer at even:
Exodus 29:41
And the other lamb thou shalt offer at even, and shalt do thereto according to the meat offering of the morning, and according to the drink offering thereof, for a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
Exodus 30:32
Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you.
Exodus 32:15
And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written.
Exodus 34:14
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
Exodus 36:10
And he coupled the five curtains one unto another: and the other five curtains he coupled one unto another.
Exodus 36:25
And for the other side of the tabernacle, which is toward the north corner, he made twenty boards,
Exodus 36:32
And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle for the sides westward.
Exodus 36:33
And he made the middle bar to shoot through the boards from the one end to the other.
Exodus 37:3
And he cast for it four rings of gold, to be set by the four corners of it; even two rings upon the one side of it, and two rings upon the other side of it.
Exodus 37:8
One cherub on the end on this side, and another cherub on the other end on that side: out of the mercy seat made he the cherubims on the two ends thereof.
Exodus 37:18
And six branches going out of the sides thereof; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side thereof, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side thereof:
Exodus 38:15
And for the other side of the court gate, on this hand and that hand, were hangings of fifteen cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three.
Exodus 39:20
And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart of it, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 27:27

And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.
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