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Bible Concordance: "three"

Word "three" found in 402 verse(s), 44 chapter(s) and 36 book(s).

What the Bible says about "three":

Genesis 46:15
These be the sons of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram, with his daughter Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three.
Exodus 2:2
And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.
Exodus 3:18
And they shall hearken to thy voice: and thou shalt come, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and ye shall say unto him, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath met with us: and now let us go, we beseech thee, three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.
Exodus 5:3
And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and sacrifice unto the LORD our God; lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword.
Exodus 6:18
And the sons of Kohath; Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel: and the years of the life of Kohath were an hundred thirty and three years.
Exodus 7:7
And Moses was fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh.
Exodus 8:27
We will go three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the LORD our God, as he shall command us.
Exodus 10:22
And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days:
Exodus 10:23
They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
Exodus 15:22
So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.
Exodus 21:11
And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money.
Exodus 25:32
And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side:
Exodus 25:33
Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick.
Exodus 27:1
And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad; the altar shall be foursquare: and the height thereof shall be three cubits.
Exodus 27:14
The hangings of one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
Exodus 27:15
And on the other side shall be hangings fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
Exodus 32:28
And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.
Exodus 37:18
And six branches going out of the sides thereof; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side thereof, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side thereof:
Exodus 37:19
Three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one branch, a knop and a flower; and three bowls made like almonds in another branch, a knop and a flower: so throughout the six branches going out of the candlestick.
Exodus 38:1
And he made the altar of burnt offering of shittim wood: five cubits was the length thereof, and five cubits the breadth thereof; it was foursquare; and three cubits the height thereof.
Exodus 38:14
The hangings of the one side of the gate were fifteen cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three.
Exodus 38:15
And for the other side of the court gate, on this hand and that hand, were hangings of fifteen cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three.
Exodus 38:26
A bekah for every man, that is, half a shekel, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for every one that went to be numbered, from twenty years old and upward, for six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty men.
Leviticus 12:4
And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.
Leviticus 14:10
And on the eighth day he shall take two he lambs without blemish, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish, and three tenth deals of fine flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and one log of oil.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:14

As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.
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