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Bible Concordance: "high"

Word "high" found in 350 verse(s), 73 chapter(s) and 41 book(s).

What the Bible says about "high":

1st Kings 3:2
Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built unto the name of the LORD, until those days.
1st Kings 3:3
And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places.
1st Kings 3:4
And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar.
1st Kings 6:10
And then he built chambers against all the house, five cubits high: and they rested on the house with timber of cedar.
1st Kings 6:23
And within the oracle he made two cherubims of olive tree, each ten cubits high.
1st Kings 7:15
For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.
1st Kings 7:35
And in the top of the base was there a round compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of the same.
1st Kings 9:8
And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and to this house?
1st Kings 11:7
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.
1st Kings 12:31
And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi.
1st Kings 12:32
And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made.
1st Kings 13:2
And he cried against the altar in the word of the LORD, and said, O altar, altar, thus saith the LORD; Behold, a child shall be born unto the house of David, Josiah by name; and upon thee shall he offer the priests of the high places that burn incense upon thee, and men's bones shall be burnt upon thee.
1st Kings 13:32
For the saying which he cried by the word of the LORD against the altar in Bethel, and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria, shall surely come to pass.
1st Kings 13:33
After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places.
1st Kings 14:23
For they also built them high places, and images, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree.
1st Kings 15:14
But the high places were not removed: nevertheless Asa's heart was perfect with the LORD all his days.
1st Kings 21:9
And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:
1st Kings 21:12
They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people.
1st Kings 22:43
And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father; he turned not aside from it, doing that which was right in the eyes of the LORD: nevertheless the high places were not taken away; for the people offered and burnt incense yet in the high places.
2nd Kings 12:3
But the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.
2nd Kings 12:10
And it was so, when they saw that there was much money in the chest, that the king's scribe and the high priest came up, and they put up in bags, and told the money that was found in the house of the LORD.
2nd Kings 14:4
Howbeit the high places were not taken away: as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense on the high places.
2nd Kings 15:4
Save that the high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burnt incense still on the high places.
2nd Kings 15:35
Howbeit the high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burned incense still in the high places. He built the higher gate of the house of the LORD.
2nd Kings 16:4
And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 27:9

Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.
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