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Bible Concordance: "herds"

Word "herds" found in 32 verse(s), 21 chapter(s) and 14 book(s).

What the Bible says about "herds":

Nehemiah 10:36
Also the firstborn of our sons, and of our cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks, to bring to the house of our God, unto the priests that minister in the house of our God:
Proverbs 27:23
Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.
Isaiah 65:10
And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me.
Jeremiah 3:24
For shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.
Jeremiah 5:17
And they shall eat up thine harvest, and thy bread, which thy sons and thy daughters should eat: they shall eat up thy flocks and thine herds: they shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees: they shall impoverish thy fenced cities, wherein thou trustedst, with the sword.
Hosea 5:6
They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the LORD; but they shall not find him; he hath withdrawn himself from them.
Joel 1:18
How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:6

He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.
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