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Bible Concordance: "threescore"

Word "threescore" found in 87 verse(s), 29 chapter(s) and 25 book(s).

What the Bible says about "threescore":

Genesis 25:7
And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years.
Genesis 25:26
And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.
Genesis 46:26
All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were threescore and six;
Genesis 46:27
And the sons of Joseph, which were born him in Egypt, were two souls: all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, were threescore and ten.
Genesis 50:3
And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days.
Exodus 15:27
And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exodus 38:25
And the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation was an hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:
Leviticus 12:5
But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.
Numbers 1:27
Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Judah, were threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred.
Numbers 1:39
Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Dan, were threescore and two thousand and seven hundred.
Numbers 2:4
And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred.
Numbers 2:26
And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were threescore and two thousand and seven hundred.
Numbers 3:43
And all the firstborn males by the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those that were numbered of them, were twenty and two thousand two hundred and threescore and thirteen.
Numbers 3:46
And for those that are to be redeemed of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites;
Numbers 3:50
Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money; a thousand three hundred and threescore and five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:
Numbers 26:22
These are the families of Judah according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and sixteen thousand and five hundred.
Numbers 26:25
These are the families of Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred.
Numbers 26:27
These are the families of the Zebulunites according to those that were numbered of them, threescore thousand and five hundred.
Numbers 26:43
All the families of the Shuhamites, according to those that were numbered of them, were threescore and four thousand and four hundred.
Numbers 31:33
And threescore and twelve thousand beeves,
Numbers 31:34
And threescore and one thousand asses,
Numbers 31:37
And the LORD's tribute of the sheep was six hundred and threescore and fifteen.
Numbers 31:38
And the beeves were thirty and six thousand; of which the LORD's tribute was threescore and twelve.
Numbers 31:39
And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the LORD's tribute was threescore and one.
Numbers 33:9
And they removed from Marah, and came unto Elim: and in Elim were twelve fountains of water, and threescore and ten palm trees; and they pitched there.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:13

The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.
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