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Bible Concordance: "frost"

Word "frost" found in 6 verse(s), 6 chapter(s) and 5 book(s).

What the Bible says about "frost":

Genesis 31:40
Thus I was; in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night; and my sleep departed from mine eyes.
Exodus 16:14
And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.
Job 37:10
By the breath of God frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened.
Job 38:29
Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?
Psalms 78:47
He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycomore trees with frost.
Jeremiah 36:30
Therefore thus saith the LORD of Jehoiakim king of Judah; He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 27:6

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
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