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Bible Concordance: "thereon"

Word "thereon" found in 60 verse(s), 27 chapter(s) and 22 book(s).

What the Bible says about "thereon":

2nd Samuel 17:19
And the woman took and spread a covering over the well's mouth, and spread ground corn thereon; and the thing was not known.
2nd Samuel 19:26
And he answered, My lord, O king, my servant deceived me: for thy servant said, I will saddle me an ass, that I may ride thereon, and go to the king; because thy servant is lame.
1st Kings 6:35
And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work.
1st Kings 13:13
And he said unto his sons, Saddle me the ass. So they saddled him the ass: and he rode thereon,
2nd Kings 16:12
And when the king was come from Damascus, the king saw the altar: and the king approached to the altar, and offered thereon.
1st Chronicles 12:17
And David went out to meet them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke it.
1st Chronicles 15:15
And the children of the Levites bare the ark of God upon their shoulders with the staves thereon, as Moses commanded according to the word of the LORD.
2nd Chronicles 3:5
And the greater house he cieled with fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, and set thereon palm trees and chains.
2nd Chronicles 3:14
And he made the vail of blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and wrought cherubims thereon.
2nd Chronicles 33:16
And he repaired the altar of the LORD, and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and thank offerings, and commanded Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel.
Ezra 3:2
Then stood up Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and builded the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings thereon, as it is written in the law of Moses the man of God.
Ezra 3:3
And they set the altar upon his bases; for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD, even burnt offerings morning and evening.
Ezra 6:11
Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this.
Esther 5:14
Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him, Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high, and to morrow speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged thereon: then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet. And the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be made.
Esther 7:9
And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman had made for Mordecai, who spoken good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him thereon.
Isaiah 30:12
Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon:
Isaiah 35:9
No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there:
Ezekiel 15:3
Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon?
Ezekiel 40:39
And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering.
Ezekiel 43:18
And he said unto me, Son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; These are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it, to offer burnt offerings thereon, and to sprinkle blood thereon.
Zechariah 4:2
And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof:
Matthew 21:7
And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.
Matthew 21:19
And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.
Matthew 23:20
Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon.
Matthew 23:22
And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:7

The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
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