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Bible Concordance: "archers"

Word "archers" found in 10 verse(s), 10 chapter(s) and 8 book(s).

What the Bible says about "archers":

Genesis 49:23
The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him:
Judges 5:11
They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel: then shall the people of the LORD go down to the gates.
1st Samuel 31:3
And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers hit him; and he was sore wounded of the archers.
1st Chronicles 8:40
And the sons of Ulam were mighty men of valour, archers, and had many sons, and sons' sons, an hundred and fifty. All these are of the sons of Benjamin.
1st Chronicles 10:3
And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers hit him, and he was wounded of the archers.
2nd Chronicles 35:23
And the archers shot at king Josiah; and the king said to his servants, Have me away; for I am sore wounded.
Job 16:13
His archers compass me round about, he cleaveth my reins asunder, and doth not spare; he poureth out my gall upon the ground.
Isaiah 21:17
And the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the LORD God of Israel hath spoken it.
Isaiah 22:3
All thy rulers are fled together, they are bound by the archers: all that are found in thee are bound together, which have fled from far.
Jeremiah 50:29
Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:3

A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.
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