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Bible Concordance: "gladness"

Word "gladness" found in 44 verse(s), 26 chapter(s) and 18 book(s).

What the Bible says about "gladness":

Numbers 10:10
Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.
Deuteronomy 28:47
Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things;
2nd Samuel 6:12
And it was told king David, saying, The LORD hath blessed the house of Obededom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of David with gladness.
1st Chronicles 16:27
Glory and honour are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place.
1st Chronicles 29:22
And did eat and drink before the LORD on that day with great gladness. And they made Solomon the son of David king the second time, and anointed him unto the LORD to be the chief governor, and Zadok to be priest.
2nd Chronicles 29:30
Moreover Hezekiah the king and the princes commanded the Levites to sing praise unto the LORD with the words of David, and of Asaph the seer. And they sang praises with gladness, and they bowed their heads and worshipped.
2nd Chronicles 30:21
And the children of Israel that were present at Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness: and the Levites and the priests praised the LORD day by day, singing with loud instruments unto the LORD.
2nd Chronicles 30:23
And the whole assembly took counsel to keep other seven days: and they kept other seven days with gladness.
Nehemiah 8:17
And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.
Nehemiah 12:27
And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.
Esther 8:16
The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour.
Esther 8:17
And in every province, and in every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.
Esther 9:17
On the thirteenth day of the month Adar; and on the fourteenth day of the same rested they, and made it a day of feasting and gladness.
Esther 9:18
But the Jews that were at Shushan assembled together on the thirteenth day thereof, and on the fourteenth thereof; and on the fifteenth day of the same they rested, and made it a day of feasting and gladness.
Esther 9:19
Therefore the Jews of the villages, that dwelt in the unwalled towns, made the fourteenth day of the month Adar a day of gladness and feasting, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another.
Psalms 4:7
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.
Psalms 30:11
Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;
Psalms 45:7
Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
Psalms 45:15
With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace.
Psalms 51:8
Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
Psalms 97:11
Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.
Psalms 100:2
Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Psalms 105:43
And he brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness:
Psalms 106:5
That I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance.
Proverbs 10:28
The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:1

As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool.
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