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Bible Concordance: "region"

Word "region" found in 12 verse(s), 5 chapter(s) and 5 book(s).

What the Bible says about "region":

Deuteronomy 3:4
And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.
Deuteronomy 3:13
And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants.
1st Kings 4:11
The son of Abinadab, in all the region of Dor; which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife:
1st Kings 4:13
The son of Geber, in Ramothgilead; to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to him also pertained the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, threescore great cities with walls and brasen bars:
1st Kings 4:24
For he had dominion over all the region on this side the river, from Tiphsah even to Azzah, over all the kings on this side the river: and he had peace on all sides round about him.
Matthew 3:5
Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan,
Matthew 4:16
The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.
Mark 1:28
And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee.
Mark 6:55
And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.
Luke 3:1
Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene,
Luke 4:14
And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
Luke 7:17
And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:7

The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
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