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Bible Concordance: "array"

Word "array" found in 30 verse(s), 13 chapter(s) and 12 book(s).

What the Bible says about "array":

Judges 20:20
And the men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin; and the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight against them at Gibeah.
Judges 20:22
And the people the men of Israel encouraged themselves, and set their battle again in array in the place where they put themselves in array the first day.
Judges 20:30
And the children of Israel went up against the children of Benjamin on the third day, and put themselves in array against Gibeah, as at other times.
Judges 20:33
And all the men of Israel rose up out of their place, and put themselves in array at Baaltamar: and the liers in wait of Israel came forth out of their places, even out of the meadows of Gibeah.
1st Samuel 4:2
And the Philistines put themselves in array against Israel: and when they joined battle, Israel was smitten before the Philistines: and they slew of the army in the field about four thousand men.
1st Samuel 17:2
And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together, and pitched by the valley of Elah, and set the battle in array against the Philistines.
1st Samuel 17:8
And he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel, and said unto them, Why are ye come out to set your battle in array? am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul? choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me.
1st Samuel 17:21
For Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in array, army against army.
2nd Samuel 10:8
And the children of Ammon came out, and put the battle in array at the entering in of the gate: and the Syrians of Zoba, and of Rehob, and Ishtob, and Maacah, were by themselves in the field.
2nd Samuel 10:9
When Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind, he chose of all the choice men of Israel, and put them in array against the Syrians:
2nd Samuel 10:10
And the rest of the people he delivered into the hand of Abishai his brother, that he might put them in array against the children of Ammon.
2nd Samuel 10:17
And when it was told David, he gathered all Israel together, and passed over Jordan, and came to Helam. And the Syrians set themselves in array against David, and fought with him.
1st Kings 20:12
And it came to pass, when Ben-hadad heard this message, as he was drinking, he and the kings in the pavilions, that he said unto his servants, Set yourselves in array. And they set themselves in array against the city.
1st Chronicles 19:9
And the children of Ammon came out, and put the battle in array before the gate of the city: and the kings that were come were by themselves in the field.
1st Chronicles 19:10
Now when Joab saw that the battle was set against him before and behind, he chose out of all the choice of Israel, and put them in array against the Syrians.
1st Chronicles 19:11
And the rest of the people he delivered unto the hand of Abishai his brother, and they set themselves in array against the children of Ammon.
1st Chronicles 19:17
And it was told David; and he gathered all Israel, and passed over Jordan, and came upon them, and set the battle in array against them. So when David had put the battle in array against the Syrians, they fought with him.
2nd Chronicles 13:3
And Abijah set the battle in array with an army of valiant men of war, even four hundred thousand chosen men: Jeroboam also set the battle in array against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men, being mighty men of valour.
2nd Chronicles 14:10
Then Asa went out against him, and they set the battle in array in the valley of Zephathah at Mareshah.
Esther 6:9
And let this apparel and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man withal whom the king delighteth to honour, and bring him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honour.
Job 6:4
For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit: the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me.
Job 40:10
Deck thyself now with majesty and excellency; and array thyself with glory and beauty.
Isaiah 22:7
And it shall come to pass, that thy choicest valleys shall be full of chariots, and the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.
Jeremiah 6:23
They shall lay hold on bow and spear; they are cruel, and have no mercy; their voice roareth like the sea; and they ride upon horses, set in array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion.
Jeremiah 43:12
And I will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt; and he shall burn them, and carry them away captives: and he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment; and he shall go forth from thence in peace.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 27:22

Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him.
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