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Bible Concordance: "kinsmen"

Word "kinsmen" found in 5 verse(s), 4 chapter(s) and 4 book(s).

What the Bible says about "kinsmen":

Ruth 2:20
And Naomi said unto her daughter in law, Blessed be he of the LORD, who hath not left off his kindness to the living and to the dead. And Naomi said unto her, The man is near of kin unto us, one of our next kinsmen.
Psalms 38:11
My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off.
Luke 14:12
Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee.
Romans 16:7
Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.
Romans 16:21
Timotheus my workfellow, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen, salute you.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:6

He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.
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