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Bible Concordance: "Jehoshaphat"

Word "Jehoshaphat" found in 76 verse(s), 13 chapter(s) and 6 book(s).

What the Bible says about "Jehoshaphat":

2nd Samuel 8:16
And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder;
2nd Samuel 20:24
And Adoram was over the tribute: and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder:
1st Kings 4:3
Elihoreph and Ahiah, the sons of Shisha, scribes; Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud, the recorder.
1st Kings 4:17
Jehoshaphat the son of Paruah, in Issachar:
1st Kings 15:24
And Asa slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead.
1st Kings 22:2
And it came to pass in the third year, that Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came down to the king of Israel.
1st Kings 22:4
And he said unto Jehoshaphat, Wilt thou go with me to battle to Ramothgilead? And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, I am as thou art, my people as thy people, my horses as thy horses.
1st Kings 22:5
And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel, Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the LORD to day.
1st Kings 22:7
And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might enquire of him?
1st Kings 22:8
And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, There is yet one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may enquire of the LORD: but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so.
1st Kings 22:10
And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah sat each on his throne, having put on their robes, in a void place in the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets prophesied before them.
1st Kings 22:18
And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?
1st Kings 22:29
So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramothgilead.
1st Kings 22:30
And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, I will disguise myself, and enter into the battle; but put thou on thy robes. And the king of Israel disguised himself, and went into the battle.
1st Kings 22:32
And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that they said, Surely it is the king of Israel. And they turned aside to fight against him: and Jehoshaphat cried out.
1st Kings 22:41
And Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel.
1st Kings 22:42
Jehoshaphat was thirty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.
1st Kings 22:44
And Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of Israel.
1st Kings 22:45
Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, and his might that he shewed, and how he warred, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
1st Kings 22:48
Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they went not; for the ships were broken at Eziongeber.
1st Kings 22:49
Then said Ahaziah the son of Ahab unto Jehoshaphat, Let my servants go with thy servants in the ships. But Jehoshaphat would not.
1st Kings 22:50
And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.
1st Kings 22:51
Ahaziah the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel in Samaria the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and reigned two years over Israel.
2nd Kings 1:17
So he died according to the word of the LORD which Elijah had spoken. And Jehoram reigned in his stead in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he had no son.
2nd Kings 3:1
Now Jehoram the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel in Samaria the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and reigned twelve years.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:14

As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.
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