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Bible Concordance: "counsellor"

Word "counsellor" found in 13 verse(s), 11 chapter(s) and 9 book(s).

What the Bible says about "counsellor":

2nd Samuel 15:12
And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counsellor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he offered sacrifices. And the conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom.
1st Chronicles 26:14
And the lot eastward fell to Shelemiah. Then for Zechariah his son, a wise counsellor, they cast lots; and his lot came out northward.
1st Chronicles 27:32
Also Jonathan David's uncle was a counsellor, a wise man, and a scribe: and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was with the king's sons:
1st Chronicles 27:33
And Ahithophel was the king's counsellor: and Hushai the Archite was the king's companion:
2nd Chronicles 22:3
He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly.
Isaiah 3:3
The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator.
Isaiah 40:13
Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him?
Isaiah 41:28
For I beheld, and there was no man; even among them, and there was no counsellor, that, when I asked of them, could answer a word.
Micah 4:9
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.
Nahum 1:11
There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counsellor.
Mark 15:43
Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.
Luke 23:50
And, behold, there was a man named Joseph, a counseller; and he was a good man, and a just:
Romans 11:34
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:11

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
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