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Results for Psalms

God's Demand of Righteousness

Do you know of any passages in the bible which state that God demands righteousness from all people or does the Bible make a distinction between righteousness required by the world at large and that required by God's children?

Type: Question and Answer

Fear of God vs. Love of God

Some say that children should only hear about the love of God because they already have a lot of fear they face every day. I strongly disagree with that statement. Should children today be taught only the love of God?

Type: Question and Answer

Favor of God

What does having the favor of God mean?

Type: Question and Answer

Fasting and Prayer

How does one go about fasting, and what are the different types of fasting?

Type: Question and Answer

The Essence of God

Why do Christians say God is self-existent, eternal, spirit and trinitarian? What scriptures support this claim?

Type: Question and Answer

Elijah and Enoch

If the Old Testament saints went to paradise when they died, how do you explain Elijah and Enoch?

Type: Question and Answer

Does God Hear the Prayers of the Lost?

The way I understand this passage is that the Lord heard Cornelius' prayers. I don't know if He answered them, but I am in a quandary about the Lord hearing the prayers of unbelievers. I do not take from this passage that Cornelius was saved - it just states that he was a devout man that feared God. Can you shed some light on the subject for me?

Type: Question and Answer

Does Jesus Hate?

Why does Jesus hate anything or anyone? Revelation 2:6 says, "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of Nicolaitans, which I also hate."

Type: Question and Answer

Distinction Between the Son and Father in Prayer

I was wondering if I am praying to God in Jesus' name: I was under the impression that they are the same. So if they are the same, why differentiate between the two, (i.e.: Jesus / God created the heavens and the Earth)?

Type: Question and Answer

Celebration of Birthdays

Do the scriptures have anything to say on the celebration of one's birthday?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:7

He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.