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Results for Isaiah

Sacrifices Pleasing to God

Bible sacrifices can be placed into several categories: Old Testament animal sacrifices, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, and the spiritual sacrifices made by New Testament believers.

Type: Question and Answer

Sabbath Worship

When Isaiah speaks of the foreigner worshipping on the Sabbath in chapter 56, wouldn't that be including gentiles?

Type: Question and Answer

Resurrections and Judgments

We have heard much about the judgment of believers in the age of grace at the Judgment seat of Christ, but what about those saved during the tribulation or the millennium? Have the Old Testament saints already been judged or will they too be at the Judgment seat of Christ?

Type: Question and Answer

Prehistoric Animals

Have you ever wondered about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals; how and if they were part of creation. Are there millions of years between them and the first people?

Type: Question and Answer


Doesn't the Bible indicate that God has already chosen those He will save, we just do not know who they are, because we do not have the "foreknowledge" spoken about in the Bible?

Type: Question and Answer

The Origin of God

Where did God come from? Does God have an origin or is God a being from which everything else came but who Himself came from nothing else?

Type: Question and Answer

Ordinances Nailed to Cross

Where in the Bible does it state that the ceremonial law was nailed to the cross?

Type: Question and Answer

New Birth Concept

Where in the Old Testament is the new birth described in such detail that Jesus could have assumed Nicodemus should know about it?

Type: Question and Answer

The Names of God

What is the name of God? Did God reveal his name to us. He has so many names throughout the bible and I wonder what name are we supposed to call Him and why?

Type: Question and Answer

Miracle of Water Into Wine

Why did Jesus turn the water to wine (besides the fact the people had ran out) and why was it his first miracle?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:12

He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.