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Results for Matthew

Where are the Old Testament Saints Today?

The people of the old testament who were saints, are they still in heaven, If God comes back for the second time for us, are we going to meet this people, or are they no more existing?

Type: Question and Answer

When did the Church Begin?

When I read in Acts 7 I noticed in verse 38 that Stephen actually uses the word "church" in reference to the time of Moses. The main question is that most people I talk to say the Church began in the New Testament times, (usually at the time of Pentecost). Are not the Hebrews themselves the 'called out people' of the Old Testament?

Type: Question and Answer

Whatsoever is Loosed on Earth

What does it mean that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven? Is this some power that we have today or was it given strictly to the apostles?

Type: Question and Answer

What Need for the Son?

What is the significance in believing in the Son? Is it not sufficient to believe in a loving and merciful Creator only?

Type: Question and Answer

Who did John Baptize?

Did John the Baptist baptize Gentiles or only Jews?

Type: Question and Answer

What Is Outer Darkness?

What is the connection between "outer darkness" and "gnashing of teeth"?

Type: Question and Answer

The Woman of Revelation Twelve

Can you explain the woman being hid in Revelation 12 and Israel's part in the tribulation?

Type: Question and Answer

Woman, What Have I To Do With Thee?

What is the significance of Christ's words to his mother in John 2:1-5?

Type: Question and Answer

Water in the Bible

How many times does "water" occur in the Bible and what is it's significance?

Type: Question and Answer

Vow, Oath, Swear and Pledge

Please distinguish the terms "vow", "oath", "swear" and "pledge." Some of these are interchangeable and some are referred to in the bible as totally different from each other. I'm specifically interested in what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:33-37 and how that applies to nowadays "pledging" for a building fund or other church projects.

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 1:9

For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.