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Results for Romans

Worship In Spirit

What does it mean when it says that God is a spirit and we must worship him in spirit?

Type: Question and Answer

The Virgin Birth

Please give me a study report about the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14) and its fulfillment in the New Testament.

Type: Question and Answer

The Truth About Predestination

The Bible states that God "predestines" Christians for a future with Christ in Heaven and that he does NOT predestine others to Hell; however, does this mean that only a few of the Christians on Earth were predestined by God and the rest "happened" to come to Christ by the work of these Christians and the Holy Spirit? Or were ALL the people who God knew would become Christian through His omniscience thus "predestined" by Christ?

Type: Question and Answer

To Whom Shall We Pray?

I have a question. To whom am I supposed to pray? I believe in it, but who am I suppose to pray if I want to repent and be saved? our heavenly father or Jesus? or does it make any difference?

Type: Question and Answer

Tribulation Salvation

When the Great Tribulation comes, how can people be saved? Is it still by faith or plain works?

Type: Question and Answer

Ten Commandments - God's Law Handed Down?

Are the ten commandments God's Law handed down? Are they never changing? Do they still apply to this day and age?

Type: Question and Answer

The Spirit of Man

When a man dies, where does the spirit go? If the "spirit" of man is the one that gives the believer the knowledge of God, then does the "spirit" of an unbelieving man have knowledge of God?

Type: Question and Answer

Spirit and Soul

Please define and explain the characteristics of the soul and the spirit of man.

Type: Question and Answer

Slaves in the Bible

What does the Bible teach concerning slavery and servanthood? Is it always considered an ungodly practice or are there situations where servanthood is scriptural?

Type: Question and Answer

Sinning Away Our Day of Grace

Will God, through the Holy Spirit, finally give up on calling someone for salvation, if the person continues to reject the call?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 4:17

For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.