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Results for Philippians


Some people talks about reincarnation. Are there verses to prove to them that this is not true?

Type: Question and Answer

Drug Use - Right or Wrong?

Many today are claiming that it is Biblical to do drugs. But what does the Bible say about drugs/herbs?

Type: Question and Answer

The Bible and Self Esteem

What verses in the Bible help with increasing confidence in yourself?

Type: Question and Answer


Will revival come before the Lord comes back and if so what will it take for revival to come?

Type: Question and Answer

King Saul and Saul of Tarsus Compared

While doing a study on the life of the apostle Paul, I began to wonder if he was actually named Saul after the 1st king of Israel. I began to make comparisons between the two and found several things that they had in common. The name Saul means "desired" while the name Paul means "little". It's interesting to think that Paul started off as Saul, or the one to be desired, but when God got a hold of him, he became Paul the little one. Sounds like the words of John the Baptist when he said of Christ, "He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30

Numbered List

Type: Blog Entry

Rejecting the Conversion Experience

Reformed Reconstructionists aim to fill Christian society with their philosophy and doctrine. They are heavily involved in writing material for homeschoolers and are glad to put their own twist on Christian history. James B. Jordan, in "The Failure of the American Baptist Culture" (p.89), declares anabaptism to be basically the same as the ancient heresy of gnosticism. Then, building from this ridiculous charge, he implies that this anabaptist/gnostic view is the view of Baptists and other similar groups today. One way in which he distinguishes what he calls the orthodox view from the gnostic view is by the method of salvation. He states, "The focus of orthodoxy, by way of contrast, is on the objective goverrnment of God. The defining mark of a Christian is not, as in gnosticism, some 'conversion experience,' but rather an evident submission to the government of God, signed and sealed in baptism and manifest in a holy walk." That is, salvation is not a personal experience but an outward submission to the church government sealed by infant baptism. These people are on a mission to destroy the influence of the Baptists in America. They are a fifth column in our battle for truth. Beware of the concision (Philippians 3:2).

Type: Blog Entry

Was Paul A Hypocrite

On three different occasions the Apostle Paul admonishes believers to be followers of him (see 1Corinthians 4:6; 1Corinthians 11:1; and Philippians 3:17). With this in mind we ought to preach the gospel which Paul preached.We find this gospel defined in1Corinthians 15:1-4, where it says the gospel includes the death, burial and resurrection according to the scriptures. Today we are taught bymany of the necessity of baptism for salvation. Apparently Paul did not know thisfor he said, "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel" (1Corinthians 1:17). Notice that Paul contradicted the gospel and baptism as if they were not the same. If Paul believed that baptism was necessary for salvation,then he was one of the biggest hypocrites ever to walk the face of this earth. He should have been going all over the countryside dunking people in water instead of wasting his time in prison forpreaching the gospel.

Type: Blog Entry

What About Christian Romance Novels?

Recently we were mailed an advertisement for Christian romance novels. Included in the information were testimonials from women praising these works of fiction for blessing them and giving them hope. Also included was a survey in which, using a multiple choice format, women could mark their preferences as to their perfect home (i.e. house), automobile, and vacation destination. Of course all choices were very expensive. They could even choose the type of man they would prefer to go on a date with, presumably for guidance in later works of romantic fiction.

Type: Blog Entry

The Failure of the Jews (Daily Portion 10311)

Paul has already condemned the Gentiles for their wickedness in the first chapter of Romans. Here, he blasts the Jews because of their pride and false sense of righteousness. They are absolutely confident of their special position with God, but their confidence is in themselves and not in God.

Type: Devotional

Satan vs. Lucifer

Is Lucifer and Satan the same? The Bible says Satan is from the beginning a liar, from the day of his creation, but Lucifer is not like that, he was a holy cherub till the day he was found guilty.

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:19

None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life.